Welcome to the HFFA’s website!
The Hungarian Free Flying Association (HFFA) is a member of the EHPU. It consists 25 HG and PG clubs with more than thousand HG and PG pilot. The HFFA is the biggest PG and HG body in Hungary. Most of our clubs are members of the Hungarian Aeronautical and Airsport Association (NAC).
The HFFA has official permission from the Hungarian National Transport Authority for the training and we have an official Certification Body which is giving the air worthiness certifications of HGs and PGs.
In Hungary the pilots need to be held legal insurance for the third party liability minimum at 10 million HUF.
According to the Hungarian National Transport Authority in Hungary the special air medical certificate (Class 2 or LAPL level of JAR-FCL 3) is required for the HG and PG activity.
In Hungary you are required to have an identification number on the wing.
Search and rescue can reach if you have a contact with the FIC (Flying Information Center).
In Hungary the space is uncontrolled up 2900 m AMSL. But there are a lot of controlled TMA, CTR, TRA and prohibited, restricted and dangerous airspace. You need an ICAO map which shows these areas.
You can get all information what you need from the HFFA officials:
László Kerekes (President)
Phone: +36 20 777 91 39
László Szöllösi (Safety and training officer)
Phone: +36 70 363 11 09
Email: safety@hffa.hu

A legnagyobb hazai sikóernyős és sárkányrepülős szervezet.