FAI-CIMP Invitation to survey on COVID-19


Dear colleagues presidents,

Firstly, I hope you are in good health, free from COVID-19!

 COVID-19 has, or have had, much influence on many aspects of our communities. In air sports, it is crucial to maintain mental wellbeing, including safety and pleasure in flying activities in the present situation. To optimize mental wellbeing, the FAI-CIMP would like to receive information on the current status in air sport pilots. Therefore, a short survey has been set up. 

This survey is conducted by the FAI Medico-Physiological Commission (CIMP). The data will be analysed and reported within the FAI-CIMP bureau and country delegates. The information will be used for further development and delivery of mental wellbeing support mechanisms in the air sports community. The results will be discussed in the ePlenary of the FAI-CIMP in September 2020.  

The survey consists of 12 questions and will take about 15 minutes to complete, is web-based and anonymous. The initiative is supported by the FAI President. You can have a look into the survey and you can complete some fields, but only after clicking the “submit” button the survey will be saved and submitted.  

The CIMP would like to invite you to fill in the survey, and to submit your answers before 15th  September 2020. Please follow the link: 


We would like to request you to forward this survey to air sport pilots, as many as possible. Competition pilots as well as recreational pilots. The CIMP strongly appreciates your participation in the survey.

Thank you very much for your cooperation, best regards, 


Marja Osinga-Meek  MD AME
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